Friday, March 29, 2013

Montezuma's Revenge

3/8 - JG: we commute via 2 buses then taxi then another bus down to Montezuma (population: 500) further down the west coast. Total commute time: 11 hours. Our taxi ride was just short of three hours long and took place along what I would call a road only in the loosest sense. It was bumpy, winding through the forest, and through small rivers - and with the windows rolled down we were filthy by the end of it. Good times.

The town is quaint yet full of backpackers and travelers.  Beaches are great, and we even found a waterfall at the end of a short hike...Sandy one-up'd me by diving in.  It looks a lot more daunting when you're on the ledge than in the photo from afar..

JG: an editorial note - towards the end of our stint in Montezuma, I became violently ill. Like stomach pains and a purging of most bodily fluids kind of ill. Sandy was mostly empathetic while I pleaded for medical assistance and a priest. 

This continued until the early morning hours until I was out of commission for the ensuing day.

SS: OK. Let's get something straight - I would have done anything I could to make this poor helpless man feel better but he denied my cork idea. Better to purge I guess. 
But what about poor me and my sensitive ear drums.....? John has to be the most violent puker I have ever heard. I actually thought that he was being a major drama queen and making a scene that could have woken the entire street up. Like the man cold but worse. 
Only after this 'performance' did I actually make light of it as it is an absolutely hilarious story. Let's just say that half way through the purge - the water went out.... No toilet flushing. 

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